Thursday, January 29, 2009

Generalized Ranting

I am trying to be a better blogger and blog more. This is difficult for me because the New York winter so far, has been kind of a bitch. I know we don't have it as bad as some people, especially some places I have seen where the high temperature might be 5 degrees or so. I just don't dig winter and never have. I don't like to ski, I hate the cold and down where I live near the Hudson River, it's windy and that cold bitter New York City wind just bites through you like your jacket is some meaningless garment that is just for show and won't have a chance to keep you warm. I am finding going back to school to be harder and harder. While I am more mature than I was at a younger age, I just don't have the mental faculties to do this it seems like. I get tired faster, lose interest quicker and generally just want the experience to be over. Not to mention that the student loans I have taken out are growing and I will only have 6 months to find a job before I have to start paying them off. All these things can keep one up at night, thank god I seem to be able to zone this shit out and just keep going.
On a different note, the city has been going through a huge building phase, again. Buildings are popping up all over the place and not just in Manhattan. Mayor Bloomberg who people seem to like (who I can't stand by the way) has allowed every builder to just come right on in and put up a structure any damn place. There have been several highly publicized crane collapses as well because many of these construction companies literally have no clue what they are doing or they hire unskilled labor to save money. Thus, people die, well hey they have to make a buck right? Bloomberg in my mind has been one of our worst Mayors. We have a huge deficit now, I thought this guy was a businessman, where's the savings? Any schmuck could spend us into a deficit we don't need a billionaire to do it for us. He is also running for a third term, something that voters voted down two different times and the mayor just overlooked. He makes the point that we need him, the city is going through trying times and needs a good leader. That's true,it's just not him we need. I am hoping he doesn't get voted back in. The people of New York sometimes do the right thing. But, with the influx of outsiders moving here and claiming to be New Yorkers, I am scared that these suckers won't see through the veil of crap hanging over their eyes to the real Bloomberg. We shall see.
Another thing, I can't stand Donald Trump, not that I ever liked him to be honest, he just built this hulking monstrosity of a building in Soho, which by the way isn't zoned for high rise buildings, this hulking bastard of a building totally has blocked mine and everyone living downtown's view of the Empire State building. Thanks Donald, when is enough enough you greedy bastard!
The winters in the city are long and many people go into hibernation mode. I know I do, I just don't like being outside in the cold, this can lead to laziness, overall bad thoughts and just a not good feeling. I would go see a movie but at almost 11 dollars for admission and another ten for proper movie junk food, this can be a daunting prospect. There aren't many movies I want to see, of the older ones that are out on video, Max Payne was horrible, this contrived piece of shit went to DVD so fast it made my head spin and after renting it I can see why. I was totally let down by Batman also, I don't see what the fuss was about and to be honest I thought Heath Ledger's performance was ok but nothing to get awards for. The death of the two face character made no sense, of course they will be making more of this series which in my opinion they should put to bed. I really want to see Wolverine, this movie has a lot of hype and no trailer that I have seen yet. This is how they should do movies, make you wait and the suspense will get you in the theater.I also want to see the wrestler, Mickey Rourke is one of my favorite actors and I am glad he's back and doing well. We all can come back and recreate ourselves and no one in Hollywood is ever totally out of the business although it is possible if you do enough drugs. Right on Mickey. I think Benjamin Button looks like a crappy movie, I don't see the allure of a guy born 90 years old and aging backwards, it just creeps me out picturing a 90 year old guy breast feeding, Brad Pitt I hear is ok in this film but his acting talent is marginal at best, sure the camera loves him but it's what is behind the eyes that matters and he doesn't have the ability to give the viewer emotional content with a look. Very few actors do anymore. I have recently been getting into the Japanese splatter films, Japanese horror movies put ours in the United States to shame, try renting some, they come up with truly demented and original plots that we cannot even come close to. I am not talking about Ringu either but just try to look some of the horror stuff up, truly brilliant. I mean how many times can you watch Saw with the same stupid ass plots, given the first one was good I will admit that, but after that come on, how many times can you put people into devilish devices and keep the viewers interest? They are even remaking Friday the 13th again! I mean weren't there six of them? Are these movie execs that desperate? I guess if we as a people keep seeing this shit they will keep producing it. More to come soon, depending on what gets on my nerves or bugs me and there's always something. Peace and hair grease to all.

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