Monday, December 29, 2008

Getting old, does it suck???

Well I am back again, I just turned 39, yes it's true unfortunately and I started thinking about when we cross that line between being young and cool and when we just get old. I am not sure that this line is the same for every person. We all must get old, we have no choice in the matter really, time yields for no man or woman, I forgot who said that but they were so right. I think with age comes wisdom, and a general dislike for some things that you thought were ok in your younger years. I think a key indicator of when you have crossed that imaginary line is when music at high volumes isn't so great anymore. When going out on the dance floor for an hour leads to hip and lower back pain. When the four or five drinks and several shots you normally could drink and wake up the next day pain free have a much bigger effect. When the hangover lasts for two days instead of half of one. I don't feel too old, I have worked out most of my adult life and when I see pictures of other men my age I think I am stacking up pretty well. I don't have a paunch, have my hair still, not too many wrinkles if any and almost no Grey hair. I know it could be much worse. It just seems that as you age you have to work that much harder. You can't eat everything in site like you could in your twenties and early thirties. You can't drink until all hours (well you can but you will pay dearly for it). It is amusing to note however that sometimes younger women find you more attractive when your a bit older, this isn't always true however so don't get all excited older men. There doesn't seem to be this line that after you cross it age wise you are just old. It is a feeling you get inside, and the longer you feel young and act young the younger you are. I am going back to school now and am surrounded by kids that are mostly 21 and under. I relate to them pretty well, one of my classmates thought I was 27 and I told her I loved her for that. Sometimes you can't help but show your age physically but hey, with the age of plastic surgery, laser this and that, a gym membership and taking care of yourself you might just be able to stem the tide, look at Joan Rivers and Cher, not a wrinkle on either of their faces and Cher has a better body than some women half her age. How bad do you want it? Go and fight for that youth, you too can achieve it if you want it bad enough and or have a deep enough wallet. I don't think getting old sucks. You go through your life and build a wealth of experiences, you only grow more interesting hopefully and intelligent with age, that is at least if you learn the lessons life teaches you and are always trying to improve. Getting old doesn't suck, that is my opinion on the matter, maybe 40 will suck, I am not looking forward to it, but I have a year left and I will have my degree and maybe my forties will be my renaissance, that golden period where you save up enough to afford the American dream or some such thing. I always have admired the men and women that age with grace, we should all try to emulate them. Your only as old as you feel right? Isn't that the saying that gets people through the Grey hairs, arthritis, memory loss, senior moments and other ailments both big and small. Getting old, maybe it doesn't suck but I am sure that if given the antidote 9 out of 10 people would take it in a minute. Happy New Year to everyone, see you in 2009 where hopefully things will be better than they were in 2008. Hey at least Bush is out of office, how bad can things be from here on out. Peace and love.

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