Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What Happened To The Dream? A Poem


Where did the dream end and our reality begin?
I thought America stood for ideals.
What happened to the dream?
To the Land of the free and the home of the brave,
home of a dictator run amok,
The poor still starve, while the corporation rules all.
Freedom is not free, nor is it bought with lives.
Freedom is a state of consciousness we haven't attained.
Somewhere, the experiment has gone awry.
The angry scientists in their labs are cooking up new weapons.
Smart bombs, apache helicopters, the emperor stands before us,
spouting his lies, as our young die and we sit under the corporate
umbrellas with no eyes.
The left, the right, all liars sucking on the corporate teat.
Bawling for their mothers love, hands opened to the highest bidder.
Big oil rapes our mother earth, her womb sucked dry by their tentacles.
We cry as our gas prices rise, our Suv's demand more and more,
as our children die for the lie they tell.
We destabilize governments for our cause.
Land of the free? I don't think so.
Ask the Indians, who we slaughtered are we the home of the brave?
Or home of the slave.
Ask the African Americans we enslaved for our plantations,
We don't own the land, we stole it from those that lived here before us.
Ask Walmart, Ask Nike, who are the new slave masters now,
Ask Exxon, Ask our leader who lays in bed with these monsters
and says he's a religious man. Where is his humanity? He has none.
We are the rapers of the Earth, bereft of emotion besides the small few.
We destroy and pillage our enemies.
We destabilize,
Ask the people of Wounded Knee who we slaughtered for no reason.
Men, women and children all.
Ask the Slaves we bartered like cattle, they know the truth.
Our leader is a thief, a liar and a cheat.
The great manipulator, who smiles as he kills in the name of what?
America the experiment has gone wrong and we have become a monster.
All the great societies must end, their downfall is always greed and hubris it is assured.
Shame on us Shame for sitting by and doing nothing as we kill in the name of greed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its a shame isn't it?