Wednesday, June 6, 2007

People with dogs and why I sometimes can't stand them

I don't really understand people with dogs, the city owner with a dog sometimes ends up taking them to a "doggy day care" type place. They work so much that they don't even have the time to spend with their dog. so they end up taking them to a daycare like a child. Ok that's fine I guess, hey it's your life and your dog, do what the hell you want, but what about the dog? Doesn't the dog deserve a master that gives a crap about them? Plays with them etc? I walk by the doggie day care places sometimes and I feel bad for the dogs, some of them seem to enjoy it and some are always sitting in the corner like a depressed kid, kind of like how I felt going to junior high school, alone, scared, not many friends and wishing I could be somewhere else. I just think it's wrong, if your going to get a dog then have the time to spend with it, it's not that hard. My other problem with dog owners is that they let their dogs piss and shit just about anywhere, they disregard signs on trees that say curb your dog, they let their dogs urinate on entrances to buildings, cars, bicycles etc. Why do these people have the audacity to think their dog can piss or shit wherever they want? The dog doesn't know any better, it's the owners responsibility to take the dog to a place where it can do these things. Hey owners, also please take extra baggies with you in case your dog goes more than once , I see so much dog shit everywhere because of lazy dog owners that just leave it there on the sidewalk. Also, just because your dog shits on soil or near a tree it is not carte blanche to just leave it there. This isn't the country or the forest or some shit, clean up after your dog because he or she can't do it themselves. I have heard people say my dog smells a tree and smells other dogs urine and he has to urinate there too, so he or she can leave there scent. If you don't let your dog piss there in the first place you wouldn't have this problem. Your dog doesn't have carte blanche, people have to walk around this city, trees deserve to live without being pissed on how would you like it if a dog came along while your just living and producing oxygen and just took a dump and urinated on you, doesn't sound like fun does it? Plus, urine kills the trees it isn't good for them as some people tend to believe. Ok dog owners that's my rant for today, I hope we can all get along. I love dogs just as much as anyone but I don't have one and if I did I sure as hell wouldn't let it piss all over someones building, car or trees. Ok rant over thanks for letting me vent.

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