Hey everyone, thanks for coming to my blog, what I hope to accomplish here I am unsure of, but I think that writing has always been a therapeutic device for me so I am giving this a try. I am an angry young man I suppose. I am unhappy with the world that we live in and upset at our current president war monger in chief. I will attempt to mix some humor about growing up in New York city, along with some of my poetry and also what life is like in New York City as well. So you might never know what your going to get when you log in here. Isn't that what life is like? Your never sure what the new day might bring or if your life may end today or the next. I am a native of New York City, I grew up middle class, my parents are divorced since I was 15 and big shocker I don't get along with my parents that well. I have written poetry since the age of 17 and yes I dreamt of being a writer yet so far it hasn't worked out. That doesn't mean however that I won't keep trying. One thing about us New Yorkers is, we are stubborn and we don't take shit from anyone. New Yorkers sometimes get a bad rap but let me tell you, we can be some of the nicest people you've ever met also so don't believe everything you hear. I grew up in an area of the city called Tribeca, which if you haven't heard means triangle below canal street. It used to be a very industrial area, populated by warehouses and old loft style buildings. Now it has been invaded by the uber wealthy, stockbrokers, lawyers, doctors and the like. While I have nothing against the rich (ok I wish I was one of them but yet I am not.) I do feel a certain sense of anger that they have driven so many of us regular folk out of the neighborhood. I am hanging on by the skin of my teeth, thanks to a rent controlled apartment. I am sure you have all heard of the Tribeca film festival that in recent years has become so huge. I am not a fan to be honest. I tried to go see one of the films last year and was accosted by a snotty 20 something employee, maybe I should have worn my prada outfit or something I don't know (wait I don't own one!) anyway, suffice it to say I got pissed off and being that I'm a stubborn ass decided to boycott the festival for life. New York can be a fucked up place to grow up at times, you come across some of the most interesting and also some of the most disgusting people you will ever meet here. Have you ever rode the subway and encountered a grown man wearing a large white pail on his head covered with aluminum foil? I have. I called him pail head, I saw him twice over the years and then he vanished completely. I always wondered what he was trying to keep out , was he concerned about aliens trying to read his thoughts? possibly. I have seen all sorts of things growing up here, I have seen dead bodies, I have been mugged at knife point, (not fun hey I was 12 at the time and talked my way out of it) I have seen someone shot, I have been hit by a car, I have seen movie stars, I have smelled some of the best and most disgusting odors imaginable. These are all things one will encounter if they stay here long enough. Mind you, I love my city don't get me wrong. I am just trying to establish to you the reader what my city is like and how I view it. There are certain rules one must follow when visiting here. One is, yes you should look up to get views of the city's amazing architecture, yet you should also look down and left and right at the corners. Why look down? Well unfortunately many dog owners here refuse to clean up after there dogs and there are all manners of piles of shit around, also gum, an occasional used needs, (although there are less of them now) glass, urine, both dog and human and other such undesirable things. OK enough on that note I don't want to gross you out. There are over 8 million people living in New York City and the neighborhoods while less diverse than they once were still have an amazing array of nationalities and interesting cultures to explore. Warning, if you visit New York City and get in a cab from the airport, choose the flat rate option, it is most of the time much cheaper that way your cab driver won't take you for a scenic tour. Believe me I used to work in a hotel and have heard horror stories of the 90 dollar airport fare. I rarely take cabs around the city however, it's just too expensive for me, the best way to get anywhere here is the Subway's if you would like to see a New York City subway map please visit.
http://www.mta.info/nyct/maps/submap.htm You can buy a metrocard in varying amounts and maybe you might even see pailhead or some other interesting sites on your ride. If at all possible I would avoid riding the subway's between 8 am and 9:30 am and 5pm to 6pm, these are the peak rush hour times and unless you like being a human sardine, you should avoid the subway if possible, if not I like to ride either in the front or back of the subway, sometimes you get lucky and these cars are less crowded. Also, not to make you paranoid but, watch your wallet's and purses, pickpockets like to work the trains at these times, not to make you paranoid, these are just the times we live in and there's nothing you can do about it. In my next post i'll go into some funny stories. I would like to leave you now with a poem I wrote. The title is HOLD thanks for reading.
I bartered my soul for peace.
A deal made with the devil for a pittance.
Cringing in dark corners.
Wait for moment clear,
rationalize visions of dark days and the apocalypse.
Reign in fear and heartache
release the bonds of rationale.
Seek fortitude in the essence of betrayal.
Lust in a cornered mind.
Moments of twilight recede into days of rain.
Huddled within masses shrinking away.
Hold and find that which is sought by all.
Understand suffering and fear, starvation and death.
Meander through jungle thick, blossom with the fruit.
1 comment:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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