Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is it with Europeans' fascination with the N.Y. Squirrel?

Ok I know this may sound weird, but lately, I have noticed a strange trend here in New York City. Of course there are always tourists roaming around here, they are easy to spot, just look for the confused people walking around with their big New York tour books. I try to help them from time to time with directions since I know the city very well. On my way to classes I walk through City Hall park, where the big fountain is, this park has a small squirrel population, every day I see the Europeans or maybe they are from somewhere else, but they are always staring in utter fascination at the squirrels as if they had never seen one before. Now I have not ever been to Europe so maybe if I visited and saw some kind of rat like creature running around I had never seen it might be interesting to me I don't know. I wish I knew if there were squirrels in Europe because then I could understand this weird fascination. I have witnessed this multiple times and I have to think that there might not be many squirrels in Europe, or else they might think that in New York we have rats running around in the trees. This you can see for real if you enter Riverside park after dark when the rats come out in hordes, it is not a pretty site especially for the squeamish. New York has some of the largest rats i've ever seen, some being as long as two or three feet- I have seen them in chinatown and mistaken them for cats. Well for now I will just have to go up and ask one of these tourists if they ever saw a squirrel before and maybe I can answer this burning question.

On another front, in the past weeks I have seen a man standing along Broadway by City hall with a big sign saying something like "Mayor Bloomberg, I was hit by a taxi and due to my injuries I lost my job, can you help me find work?" I feel for the guy because personally I was also hit by a car, not a taxi thank god, they carry the lowest insurance of anyone and your lucky to get $10,000 if they hit you. So I can relate to this guys plight. However I think he's asking the wrong guy for help, because let me tell you Mayor Bloomberg doesn't give a rat's ass about this guy or the middle class in general and asking him for a job is like asking your parents for a 5,000 dollar loan to go buy pot, it ain't happening!!! Ok my example might be drastic but you get my drift. This guy however draws a big crowd of gawkers who stand there and watch him standing there in his suit and tie. I give the guy credit, he may yet score a job but with the market tanking and jobs scarce even here in the big city, the odds are not good.
A small footnote about the squirrel issue, I have talked to my mom who is a pretty smart lady, she rocks on Jeopardy and was even on the show once, she claims there are squirrels in Europe but I still am not buying it. I am guessing there are squirrels there so maybe the tourists fascination is simply that people love squirrels because they are cute and have cool tails, we can leave it at that. I will try to post back and give an update on the "Sign Guy" I hope he finds a job, it ain't easy standing on a street corner for hours on end ask any hooker or local drug dealer. I will try to write more often, that is if anyone is actually reading this which I have no proof of at this time. Peace and Love and Go Obama from NYC!

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