Well I am back after a bit of an abscence, that is because, going to college at my age is freaking hard!!! Sorry, but it's true, however I am proud of being on the deans list almost every semester at school so far but one. Ok enough of the nerd stuff. We are slowly creeping into the dreaded New York Winter, I guess it's not as bad as I think but when that wind hits you off the water on either side of the city, east or west, you feel it in your bones. At times you may turn a corner in New York and be literally slapped in the face with a cold wind that literally takes your breath away and not in a good way mind you. I never wear a hat either, even though my mother is always insisting that I do, maybe that's why I don't? I rebel against her every wish and she argues with every observation on life or any topic I make. I am watching the sun set now at four pm, truly depressing, I hate these short days where the night takes over like a slow rash that encompasses you. I need to get out more and experience the city, you would think living here I would go out alot, I don't, I used to but not anymore. I am dating a lovely woman who I am in love with. Maybe that's it? Well sorry for the personal stuff, i'm sure you are not interested. Today I saw a woman walking two Russian Wolfhounds, a large breed of dog for sure. They are truly scary to be near but also gentle and a kind breed it seemed like. I wouldn't want one of them trying to rip out my jugular though which they woulnd't even need to get on their hind legs much to do. I was just watching one of those nature shows, after watching something about the holocaust, which now mind you i'm a jewish guy but, wow they play way too much holocaust and nazi stuff on that channel, Lets try to move on people we all know Hitler was evil lets take a break. I have a picture to share which I think sums of the essence, vibe, feeling, mojo, funktitude and overall flavor that is New York City.The Gentleman in the picture was not part of a movie set or a video shoot to my knowledge, I snapped his picture with my cellphone. As I walked past I simply turned and with the thumbs up told him "I'm digging your coat man" to which he grunted something in acknowledgement and I was on my way. I just love seeing that there are still free spirits among us, then I wondered where one might buy a coat of that color. What a world of consumerism we live in. Speaking of which I would urge anyone interested in things of the world that fly under the radar, specifically water and food, watch the following free documentaries. A World Without Water
And also The Future of Food
Both these documentaries take a disturbing look at how corporations in some instances are seeking to patent life and monopolize the seed market in the case of Monsanto. Water is such a precious resource that most Americans take for granted, but there are millions of people who don't have access to clean water, this documentary shows how even people in the United States don't have access either. They take a disturbing look into the quest by some corporations to dominate markets and control the most vital things in our lives, food and water. I'll be back sooner rather than later to share some more of City life, my life and more. I am graduating school finally, my quest for my degree complete, two papers left to write and I am free to get back into the world. Of course there aren't many jobs and i'm not setting my sights too high, but a man can dream can't he? That's all we really have power over is our minds. Try to step outside yourself one time a day and look around at your surroundings, hopefully in a nice place and just snap out of it for a moment. That's how I feel, like the stumbling automaton, buying what they tell me to buy, doing what society says I should do. But we have the power to get out of that matrix like world if we look around hard enough. Peace and love.
From NYC. or as Jay Z Ms. Keys put it, "Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do." Peace.
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